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Just Ten Minutes a Day

Written by Linda James. Posted in Blog

antique-clock-faceThere are 24 hours in our day, which gives us 1440 minutes we have available to use. Everyone has the same amount of time, but each person chooses to use that time differently.  Like me, you have probably thought you were madly busy, with not a moment to spare.  Then maybe had to complete one of those time management schedules?  We get to the end of it and there is all this spare time left during and at the end of the day.  We scratch our head and try to figure what we have left out.  We may go back and revise the time spent on each activity.

That’s more like it we say to ourselves.  But, the day is still not full.  Ok, you ramp it up with activities that usually get done on other days.  By the time you have completed a 5 working day or a 7 day schedule there may be this block of time staring you in the face.  Not so we say. So what do we usually do? Throw the bit of paper in the bin and carry on the way we have always done, convinced that we really are the busiest person in the company, in our street, in our town, in the world etc. Or could we say: hey, there really could be time in my day to spend on me and my dreams and my life purpose.

Although the majority of things on our physical plane appear to be fixed or permanent, they are not. Nothing is fixed or rigid, it can and does change in an instant. Our physical plane is made up of energy; ebbing and flowing.  Energy bringing to us what we focus on, be that negative or supportive on a soul level.  Our reality is only true as at this moment. Everything we perceive is either of today or in the past.  It can be liberating and exciting to realize that tomorrow has not yet been created, and is still open to unlimited possibilities.  But it’s how we view the world that brings our reality.  We can liken it to having a clean palette and paints ready to create our own picture; our own master piece.  But to create we must live in the present, for it is only in the present that creation can take place. 


We don’t know how much time we are allowed to spend in this body at this time on planet earth, so use the time wisely.  And in return we should expect other people to use our time wisely; don’t put up with time wasters, gossipers, non stop talkers, or any person who disrespects you or your wishes, or takes up your time thoughtlessly.  It is costing you.

Imagine if time was gold, and we came to earth with just one very large bag of gold coins.  Say each hour cost us a gold coin and we need to spend gold coins to get through each day.  How would you ‘spend’ your day?  If we wait for the perfect time to do what we really want to do, to go for our dreams, to live our purpose, we may never get started.  Instead we may find that we have frittered our gold coins on less important priorities. There will never be a more perfect time than right now, for whatever you wish to achieve. History has shown us that there will always be positive and negative effects that impact on us individually and collectively.  Some of today’s most successful people have seen opportunities in the direst conditions and achieved their goals and dreams in spite of all the doomsayers.

How many seconds or minutes does it take to feel inspired? How long does it take to get a new idea?  Or how long does it take to say ‘yes’ to an opportunity? Change can happen in a second.

It’s up to you how you spend your day; it is totally in your control how much time you spend on your dream, your purpose.  So, make time for your greatest priorities, and don’t leave those inspiring visions in the ‘when everything else is done’ basket, because you know you may never get to it. It only takes a few minutes a day to get you moving towards your dreams and living a life with purpose. Let’s start right now with 10 minutes; that’s only 0.007% of your day.  Grab a piece of paper and pen and begin to create that image of your tomorrow.

Copyright Linda James/Seachange Within











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